(a new style i'm experimenting with...
but then again..it's ALL an experiment
isn't it my friend?
an abstract notion which confuses
human sentiment with truth, while
refusing to accept the reality that truth
is merely a mystery we choke on.
(suffocated by unreliable memories.)
I knew something was wrong last
night,.. when the stars made me feel
like my head was spinning around in
circular monotony,.. with nothing original
to cure this sickness arising from the place
i shall hold in history.
(a ghost within our heads.)
i pale to imagine how many days
the "questions" we ask will be
answered with laughter..
as the cruel angels who know everything
sit lazily on their asses writing down every
fated activity as if they were MORE than
Relics of Fate.
trapped in the circularity of lifes design...
but...it's all just an Experiment anyway..
isn't it my friend?
(no wonder they assume i'm
imperfectily sane.)