Thursday, August 14, 2014

on univesal dissociation

On Universal Dissociation.

There is indeed merit to the
claims that We are all energy,
of varying frequencies, but
ultimately of the same "stuff"..
or source.

Yet over time, due to various
political, and personal motiv-
ations, much of the reality of
this view has been fundamentally
flawed, and lost in a sea of
obscurity, in part due to human

While I will in no way attempt
to change the minds, or faith of
anyone with this brief work, I
do beg of you dear reader to lend
your eyes and minds to reason
when examining the propositions
I shall soon lay forth, in hopes
of illuminating you on the Reality
of Universal Dissociation.

Getting to the point of matters,
and sparing any attempts at
grandiloquence on my part, I
will begin by asserting my view
of God as A: Universal Conscience,
which began as One, yet (over time)
separated into various modes of
Being due to the Loneliness experienced
during it's Unitary State.

In other words..all things in existence,
are in essence mere dream manifestations
of The God-Head. Or the effects of
The Universal Conscience "dreaming
of itself objectively."

While it's likely this idea may seem
unsettling and even blasphemous to
many of you who were raised/indoctrinated
into a Particular Faith, which stresses
notions such as the age old "battle between
good and evil", one must admit that even by
classic definitions of God (i.e. all
knowing, all seeing, all present, all
powerful) it only seems to be the most
logical conclusion that all things in
existence are merely Divisions from that
Primary State of Being.

Some problems which arise in the
Theory of Universal Dissociation.

Some of the problems which arise from
the theory of Universal Dissociation
involves matters of Identity, Freedom,
and Meaning.

It can (and likely will) be argued that
if all things in existence are mere dreams
within the godhead, then it only naturally
follows that One's sense of Self, or that
"feeling of separateness from other things"
is merely an illusion; and it can then be
concluded (not without merit) that if such
were the case, then we are NOT separate
entities...and there is no real Freedom
of Will.

The World in this scenario becomes a
mere Script within a Script dreamt by
a Supreme Being suffering from Dissociative
Identity Disorder.

This admittedly creates a Logical Paradox
which I have no answers to at the moment.

(to be continued perhaps.)

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