Wednesday, January 15, 2014

these mornings

These Mornings.

I equate the Days
with Chaotic
Moments that
do little more
than suffocate
My sense of
as I'm trapped
like a prisoner
in his cage,
an Identity
(or replaced
by A Dark

oh..why that
was yesterday!
A Head game
Life plays so
that every
seems The

In Truth
There is
but this
(and when
I blink it
fades away.)


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fates Dull Knife.

Fates Dull Knife.

The Purpose of
This Write,
is Not to make
but rather to
examine the
of A Wasted

A Life complex,
but relatively

(cut short by
Fates Dull Knife.)

While others
find their
Hearts' delight,..
My Soul is
stained by
Endless Night..

raging against
the passing Time,
which seems to
be a Parasite!

(or uncontrollable

Nothing seems
important to a
Shadow void
of Friends..

and every day is
Doomsday in
a Head which seeks
the End!

Thus Glory be
The Simple life,
that is lived in
Joy..and not cut short.

(by fates dull knife.)


In Sparrows Woods.

In Sparrow Woods.

There was a Lady
I once knew,
who lived alone
in Sparrows Woods;
She had the clearest
Eyes of Blue.
(With A Heart of Nobility,
Pure and Good.)

Then Upon the Mid-span
of Her Life,
Love came knocking
on Her Door;
and She let a Stranger
come Inside.
(to throw his Baggage
on The Floor.)

But soon enough their
Love grew Sour,
(more bitter with
each Passing Hour)
until Her once Great
Heart grew cold!
(and crumbled like
A Frozen Flower.)

So now That Lady
I once knew,..
who lived Alone in
Sparrows Woods,
has Darkness in
Her Eyes of Blue,
and Curses All
Things Pure and

Angels from
their Starlit Place,
could not foresee
this twist of Fate;
or Know the Loss
A Mortal Knows,
when Love turns
into Hate!

(thus most of
them still

I took my Baggage
off The Floor,..and
(giving her one final

headed quickly
for the Door!

(to live Alone in
Sparrows Woods.)


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Only Death Would Make Him Happy

Only Death could Make Him Happy.

In My Head
I have a
Brother who
is Dead,
but Lives on
as a Memory.

I reflect
(daily) on
He Said.

(which leads
me to Question
My Identity.)

The Smile on
His Face was

designed to
put the Hearts
of Those He
Loved at ease.

Yet I know
Now what I had
Always suspected..

(that only death
could make him


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

( A Eulogy for the living dead.)

(A Eulogy for The Living Dead.)

Ignorance is NOT
Bliss..when  ulterior
motives exist beneath
roving fingertips.

For a single lie within the
Heart, brings about the
death of every good
Here lies a man,
who was always

who, (in spite of
love) could not
come to terms
with The Hatreds
in His Head.

(and thus infected
once pure joy with
Certain Dread.)

I mourn not his
passing so much
as the goodness
in him that (by the
wayside) went...

for he was truly

and his ignorance
was not bliss!

(but a Lie which
Great Intent.)


you never heard me

You Never Heard Me.

For every moment
you've waited,
Heart in Throat,
Head in the Sky..
wondering where
True Love could Be.

(Wishing it had wings
to Fly.)

I've been Here..
Hungry...and never

(wondering why
it passed me By.)

There were People
in This machine before..
once upon a Time ..
when Life made
sense, and Man was
not a Beast of Constant

But they are Ghosts now,
alas...those uncommon
commoners I adored!

(and I do not
HEAR them

For each moment
you sat watching out
your Window...
shedding tears upon
the panes,..and wringing
your wrists in agony

I Stood on The
Outside looking
In...calling through
The Veil...

but you never heard

( and for THIS reason
 I've found HELL..)


Monday, January 6, 2014

Once Bitten, Twice Curious. (Double-Damned.)

Once Bitten, Twice Curious.

The roar of
My Heart has
become a Whisper
of what was,
but will be
no more.

A once sweet valley
full of Life,..
now an Island
Cursed By
Lonely Shores.

And to what
Maiden doth
Hell owe the
Profane Honor?

None. For
It was all
My design.

It would be
unfair to put
such blame
upon Her.

(since Everything
I Love grows
Dead with Time.)


I will forget
The Words
once dear
to Me;

spoken from
her lips sincerely.

And Focus
more on what
I Am.

The Strangest
Bedfellow ever
known to Misery!

Once bitten,
twice curious!


A Petty Infatuation with Darkness.

A Petty Infatuation with Darkness.

She cast her
Beam upon me

that I was
other than I.

Yet How can I
be that which
I despise?

(why would
I even TRY?)

A Petty
with Darkness
always lasts
until True
Darkness Sets.

Then comes the
"should haves".
(followed by

Few know the
Dark like I do..

or look between
the seams to see
what Makes man
a Wretched Thing.

And Fewer still
know this HELL
I fall into.

(every time she
dances through
my Memory.)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

It was Just another End of Me.

it was just another end of me.

Made up Beds
will give any
Dirty Room
A Clean

They distract
ones attention
from The

A Torn
Head is

(Even though
it's made
a Different

This Morning
I watched The
sun set.

It closed
another Chapter
on My Life.

My Face was Pale
and dripping sweat.

Then came The
Unnamed Angel
of Demise!


I woke up
in a Strange
Place that
like Bitter
Hearts, and
Dead Smiles..

On an unmade
Bed without
A Sheet..

and Muses
laying paralyzed
in Piles!

But alas!

(it was just
Another End
of Me.)


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Something From the Darkside Came.

Something From The Darkside Came.

Something from The
Dark side Came...
not quite phantom,..
neither wraith.

To expose the
Peoples Shame.
(and profit from
their Waste.)

Ah Humanity,...
that plague upon

a starving animal
perpetually hungry!

(Creator of it's
Unique Hell.)

More Concerned
with Flesh and Money.

Angels could not
Save me from the
Truth they sought
to Hide.

This Fountain where
I'm bathing in the
Mysteries of Night!

Something from
The Dark Side Came;
and stays!

To Show the People
their own Shame.
(ridding this World
of Waste.)
